Our General and Business English classes aim to give professionals the English they need or will need in the world of work. Our classes are small and mainly speaking-based so you really do have to speak English.
The average age of our students is 32 years old and all have a purpose in learning or improving their English. Many are already working in large local or multinational companies and have to progress to a higher level of English in order to continue along their chosen career paths.
At the Business English Academy (BEA) , we don’t just teach you English in the classroom, we also give you the skills and knowledge to develop your English outside of the classroom. Our students concentrate on the four skills you need to develop in order to communicate effectively in English: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Although of course we give the grammar which make up the building blocks of the language, our students don’t waste valuable class time doing grammar exercises. Communication in English is the focus of all we do.
From intermediate level onwards we also offer business English to our students. As with general English there is an element of grammar but the language is the language encountered in the world of work and includes areas such as social English, the language of meetings, presentations, and negotiations. As well as preparing you for the world of work our business English programmes are also an ideal way to get ready for the Cambridge BULATS exam.
For more information about our general or business English courses please call us on (0212) 356 02 48/49/50.